GREAT Bus Routing Alternatives – open house sessions
On Wednesday August 14 the preliminary ideas for changes to
the GREAT Bus Routes, which are a result of the on-going Short Range Transit Plan
(SRTP) Study, will be available for public review and comment.
Starting at 9 a.m. the GREAT bus routing options will be displayed at the Leslie Building on thePitt Community College Campus in Winterville.
The presentation boards will also be on display in the Goess
Student Center for review and comment through the lunch hour.
SRTP survey results:
College students support evening service, amenities, and better frequency.
Starting at 2 p.m.,
the same display will be set up in the Sheppard Memorial Public Library at 530
Evans Street in downtown Greenville, NC. The preliminary ideas for changes to
the GREAT Bus Routes will be available for public review and comment until 6
We encourage everyone to attend one of these sessions to
share their options. If you have special transportation needs, need a
translator, or are visually or hearing impaired; arrangements can be made to
assist you. Please contact the GREAT administrative offices at 252-329-4532 or
visit the Public Works Transit Division at
at least 24 hours in advance of the open house session to request any special
A GREAT way to get around.