Transit road map for the next five years
This five year plan is being developed by GREAT,
a consulting firm (Stantec) and a citizen/agency steering committee. There were
15 members at the kick-off meeting on April 22, 2013. Three of the attendees
were bus riders, who use the services daily. Several transit partners were
present (Vidant Hospital, ECU, PCC and PATS), as well as, several agencies that
rely on transit services, i.e. housing authority and social services. The group
also includes Public Works and the Public Transportation and Parking Commission.
The others represented the economic development arms of government, i.e. Uptown
Greenville, Chamber of Commerce. The groups’ second meeting on May 20, 2013
looked at some objectives for the next five years. This study needs to focus
the ‘short range’ e.g. immediate transit service improvements that do not try
to reconfigure the entire system to serve the intermodal center site
(Greenville Transportation Activity Center). Bus riders on the Steering
Committee identified the need for shelters, better access to the Mall, stop
spacing and the age and cleanliness of buses as issues.
To view the full plan document update, go to the documents page or click on the PDF link below:

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